Friday, February 20, 2009

A long way gone #2

Quote #1: My grandmother once told me a story about a notorious hunter of wild pigs who used magic to transform himself into a wild boar. pg.53 paragraph 3

Response: This was a very interesting quote because even if he immigrated to America, he still remembered what his family members told him. He is still in touch with them on the inside. Even if it was just a story, he felt that this is a time of war and any time he could die. So he felt he had to remember everything his family members said because he can do nothing if he gets taken away.

Personal: I felt that this connected to me because my grandmother and other family members would tell me about story's about hunters and other. Although I don't remember all of them, I feel i should remember some because I only get to see them once a year.

Question: Do you think Ishmael is going to have another encounter with the rebels anytime soon?

Quote #2: Everyone listened attentively, raising their eyebrows and cocking their heads as they tried to understand what kind of music this was.

Response: This quote really showed how blocked off from the present day society of America Ishmael and others are. They have never had that music before because they were poor and in a war. After Ishmael came here, he probably knew about this kind of music.

Personal: This is sad because music is once of those special things that all people have heard. American music is especially popular but Ishmael has never heard the kind of music played because they are never watching TV or keeping up with current events.

Question: Do you think Ishmael liked the music he heard because he has never heard it before?


Camille said...

Quote #1: I now see that this qoute really showed a lot of symbolism and I never would have thought of using it as a quote. I also think that you are right about how him remembering these little details is a sign that he is still in touch with his family. I think that your personal connection with the quote is probably how Ishmael feels too.
Question #1: I do think that he will have an encounter with the rebels soon. I think this because as the war goes on, the rebels recruit more and more people and so almost no where is safe.

Quote #2: I agree that even Ishmael probably hadn't heard this music before even though he and his friends were really into American music. I think that he hadn't heard it before because he was so caught up in war and he was probably too poor to buy a tv and see what people in America were listenning to. I also think that he hadn't heard of it because in America one song can be popular for a short amount of time and then it will not be listened to anymore.
Question #2: I think that Ishmael did like the music. I think that he liked it because based on his past, he seems to enjoy "foreign" music.

vincent said...

Quote#1: I agree with you because my grandmother and other family realtives tell stories and I remeber most of them and it is like you need to remember them to carry on the stories on and on. Question#1: I do think he will encounter the rebels because he becomes a boy solider and he is either going to be with the Sierra Leone army or the Rebels.
Quote#2:I agree with Camille, if you haven't heard of some type of music you can like the music from now on from that point on.
Question#2: I think Ishmael really like the music beacuse he would dance and sing along with the songs and I did that before when I first heard the music he talks about.