Friday, December 14, 2007

bamboo grove chap #4

1) i think Yoko wants to help Mr.Naido because she is going through the same thing as him, with all the teasing and stuff. I think that he helps her because he thinks she's a nice girl and is not spoiled like all the other girls. They both are getting teased by the girls.

2)I think when Yoko found out that Ko was shining shoes, she realized that Ko really cares about Yoko and wants to do whatever she can to help her.
Her attitude changed and now she's a girl who will do whatever she can to take care of her sister.

3)Why do you think Ko picked shoes shining over all the other jobs that makes more money?

i think that Ko picked that job because it makes a little money but at the same time she can go home and take care of Yoko anytime she wants, instead of other jobs that don't let you go home until a certain time.

Friday, December 7, 2007

bamboo grove chap #3

1)i think Ko, Yoko and their mom felt really sad but at the same time they felt happy. They feel sad because they were supposed to wait for Hedeo, but they couldn't because they were afraid of the Korean communist's, so they decided to leave for japan. They were happy because they were going back to their homeland and if i was going back to my homeland after a war, i would be extremely happy. Ko and her mother were crying on the boat for two reasons, the first reason is that they felt ashamed that they are leaving Hedeo in Korea, and the second reason is that they felt happy to go home.

B) i agree with their decision because in a few days the Korean communist would be after them. I would do that if i was in that position.

2)Do you think Hedeo would be mad at his family for leaving him behind?

I think he wouldn't and would of done the same thing in that position.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

bamboo grove chap #2

1) Hideo is a teenager who shows a little bit of courage, like when he was leading his friends away from the gun factory and he stood up to the two German soldiers and actually lied to them. sometimes he isn't courageous but smart, like when the Korean communist soldiers went in to the factory. Hideo hid in a box, that sounds like a wimpy thing to do but it was smart because if he stood up and shot at the Korean communist, he would of got killed like his friend.

2) i would bring

20 pounds of water

some food in a back pack or a pouch


a nife

as much money as i can find.

3) The event when Hideo and his friends get home and find no one there, and they all started crying.


wade commented

beyra commented

jessica didnt comment

alex didnt comment

Mif commented exept for alex and jessica

Thursday, November 29, 2007

bamboo grove chap. 1-3

1.Yoko is an 11 year old girl, she is Japanese but currently living in Korea because the Japanese just took over Korea. Yoko is a character who listens to what anyone says and she i very polite too. Yoko is a person who wines about allot of things like there was a few quotes in the book saying "I'm hungry".

2.Yoko and Ko are sisters, they don't fight that much except when Yoko is wining about her hunger issues. Yoko and Ko are close sisters and Yoko looks up to Ko as a roll model, But sometimes calls her bossy because Ko bosses her around. Yoko calls Ko honorable sister because i think Yoko honors Ko but calls her bossy because she really is too bossy.

3. On the train, there was allot of hurt people. The kawashima family was surprised, The mother was wanting to help. Ko was just standing around doing nothing and Yoko was disgusted and didn't want to even get near the hurt body's. After a while Yoko realized that these people were normal people and still are normal people, and she shouldn't be disgusted.

Friday, November 16, 2007

weekly vocab

pestiferous-bringing disease
purposefully-having a purpose
skedaddle-to run away in a hurry
contemplated-to look at with full attention

Weekly reading responce

NAME:Michael Fortin
TITLE:dragon rider
AUTHOR:Cornelia Funke

The book I'm reading is a very interesting book because it is full of adventure and mystical creatures. On the first page of the book a dragon named Firedrake is sleeping but then suddenly a rat comes and tells the whole tribe of dragons the bad news. The humans are coming, and the elder dragon tells every one that their is a myth that their is a magical place in the Himalayas called the rim of heaven, he says its a safe place to live and no humans can find you. Only Firedrake believes that there is a place called the rim of heaven and only he is going. They flew for a few days to get to a big city to find the rats cousin because the rats cousin specializes in making maps, they land in a trash dump so no one will see them.

They were talking about where the rats cousin would be and suddenly something moves behind the crates, but they don't know what it is so Firedrake decides to find out. He walks over their and suddenly a boy pops out, The boy somehow acted calm and just kept staring at the dragon. Firedrake asks him what he's doing in a dump, and he says he lives here. Firedrake found out that the boy is actually homeless and lives in the dump. The boy then helps the dragon find where the rats cousin is, He takes him to a giant abandoned building and inside they find a giant white rat.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

new bo.ok

since i finished my last book im reading a new book called Dragon Rider.

Friday, November 9, 2007

weekly vocabulary


contentedly-mental or emotional stability

inquiring-telling someone something or asking someone

relinquishing-To give up

undulating-to walk in a wave like motion

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weekly reading responce

NAME:Michael Fortin



TITLE:Blue Willow

AUTHOR:Doris Gates

In the story Janie is still goofing around and saying weird things like "My hand is bigger than any cloud around". There is a contest now called the Wasco county cotton picking contest and 76 people are joining this contest because this contest is a fun contest and the prize is 125 dollars, but its going to be hard because you start at 7:00 am and pick for 9 hours trying to pick over 300 pounds of cotton.

Later in the story janie's mom is sick and her dad wont be able to go to work for the next few days because of her mom. Dr.Peirce had to come and stay half of the afternoon to find out if Janie's mom is going to be ok. Janie spent most of the day at romero, her best friends house. When she was at romero's house, she tryed to get her mind off of her mom being sick, but she was too worried so she asked Romero to tell some jokes to get her mind off of her mom. After a while Janie got too worried so she went home and checked on her mom.

Friday, November 2, 2007


cupped- using 2 or more things to make a barrier with emty space in it.

shimmering-shaking or moving realy fast back and forth



pitying- hate

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Weekly Reading Response

NAME:Michael Fortin
TIME:1:30 hours
TITLE:Blue Willow
AUTHOR:Doris Gates

The book blue willow is a very interesting book that kept me entertained the whole time i was reading it. Janey Larkin is a very normal girl who likes to explore and do everything barefoot for some reason. The confusing part in this book is why it skips from one scene to another very fast.

The thing that surprised me is i would think this is just a normal girly girl who cares about a plate that means allot to her but its actually an interesting story because i found out she is a girl who likes to have fun and explore things, which made the book more interesting to me.

The thing that bothers me is the fact that Janie's family isn't that "lucky" and what i mean by that is she wasn't that wealthy and she didn't get allot of what she wanted. She grew up on a farm land with not allot of friends and the most precious thing that she has is a plate.

Monday, October 22, 2007

wave final post

1)For the rest of your lives….never, ever, allow a group’s will to usurp your individual rights.” I think that quote means never let anyone or any organization take away your rights to do anything you were allowed to before. I think something that would involve me and that quote is if in the future they stoped allowing the Chinese in America because the Chinese started war with the US and they asked me to move to a prison camp, i will always remember i am an American citizen and even if I'm half Chinese i shouldn't be asked to move.

2) I think Robert is a person who is weird and doesn't have what he wants in life like more friends or better grades, and when he heard of the wave, he knew this was the chance to make him equal to all his class mates. When he was equal with all his class mates he felt like he wasn't yet and he took it a little too far but he didn't even know, and allot of the kids who were in the wave was just like him and took it too far.

3) A:I think fascism and the wave are very similar because in the wave there are leaders that have allot of power and can prosecute anyone they don't like.

B: I think an historical event that involved fascism is the Nazi's because there was a leader (Hitler) and they possessed allot of power.

4) I think mob mentality is when two groups of people form up to make a larger group of people because if they do that they get more power and an example is if two gangs group together to make a larger gang and then they go find more gangs to join them so they can make the size larger and after a while they will have a massive amount of power.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Name: Michael Fortin
Project Reflection
Project Title: Family History project
Class: Humanity's A,B Dates: 10/17/07
In this section, explain what you were supposed to learn and what you were supposed to do.
Sentence Starters
The purpose of this project was to learn about…
In order to learn about _________________, we had to create/perform/ write/etc…
Ms.Interlandi started this project for us because she wanted us to learn about our historical event but at the same time, it taught us to realize how horrible the historical event was. In order to learn about my historical event (The Great Taiwan Earthquake), I had to research about the earthquake on the Internet and in books for about two weeks and then i had to make a historical narrative, that summarizes up the earthquake. I had to make a personal narrative about my self, and ms. Interlandi said it could be anything about yourself so i chose my name. The last part of my project was putting some family photos in, that was the hardest part because i couldn't choose what picture i should put in my album.
In this section, tell what information or skills you learned or improved.
Sentence Starters
I learned about…
I explored the concept of …
In this project, I learned how to…. (skills)
I learned about a lot of things during this project, because this was the
first project that i ever have to use the computer and use a photo album. I learned a lot about this earthquake because i was actually in this earthquake but i was about 4 so i didn't know anything about it and i thought that earthquake was just a small earthquake that hit Taiwan but during this project i realized that this earthquake wasn't small it was the biggest earthquake that hit Taiwan in one hundred years. I learned that thousands of people died and tens of thousands of people were left homeless. This earthquake effected Taiwan so much that they had to make a architecture rule that every single house has to be earthquake proof.
In this section, reflect on your experience. Did you like the project? Why or why not? How did you do? What would you do differently next time?
Sentence Starters
I enjoyed this project because…
I feel like I could have done better on this project because…
Next time, I would…
I enjoyed this project because i got to do every thing by myself and the teacher didn't have to tell us to much to do, we had to find it out ourself which was kinda fun because we learned how to do stuff by ourself. I feel like i could have done better on this project, because i didn't take all my time typing the narratives. I feel like i just typed what information i found and i should have took more time finding information then thinking of what to type. Next time, i would get more pictures of the earthquake and get more artifacts.
You should have at least one artifact from each project on your DP. What document, picture, or link will you have for this project?
In this project i had 4 pictures of what the earthquake did to Taiwan, like
More than one hundred bridges and highways collapsed or thousands of high-rises collapsed because of the earthquake.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

wave #5

2) my favorite sentence of all is " Ben had disappeared from school halfway through the day, and she had a feeling she knew why. When she got home she found her husband hunched over a book on Nazi youth." that kind of gave me a feeling Ben was loosing controll of the wave and he is trying to find a way to controll.

3)my question is do you think mr.ross i loosing controll why or why not?

Monday, October 8, 2007

wave 4

1)when he asked mr.ross if he needed a body guard is when i think it has went to far because in ms.deanna's class she was talking about little rock 9 and how the kids needed body guards and how big a deal it was so yeah.

2)my favorite sentence is "Come on, Laurie, the only reason you're against The Wave is because it means you're not a princess anymore." because it was kind of funny and that it shows every one is talking about the wave like it is a famouse celeberty.

3)do you think this experiment was made by mr.ross to copy what the nazi was?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wave chapter 8 - 10

1. I think on example of mr.ross loosing controll of the wave is where some students who are so obsessed about the wave they are skipping there own classes to be in mr.ross's , and another example is when the principle went into his office and said "you are taking it too far".

2. My favorite sentence is "wouldn't have anything to do with this wave thing would it"? because i think the principle seeing every one else in the wave, i think he wants to join too.

3. My question is do you think that mr.ross will have to shut down the wave?

Monday, October 1, 2007


1. I think the motto "Strength through discipline" is effecting the class room because every one is behaving and no one is out of order. If the wave spread out to lets say a baseball team, they will do every thing right no mistakes and dominate the field.

2.The sentence that i wanted to read over and over again was, "from now on, our two motto's will be, "Strength through discipline " and "Strength through community. This sentence popped out to me because when i read that it showed a sense of power and spirit.

3.My question is what do you think Christi meant when she said "maybe your becoming a Ginni pig in your own experiment"?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the wave

I think the main thing that stood out to me is when the students said they didn't like when he didn't wear a suit and tie in class. That stood out to me because teachers never wear anything fancy anymore they just wear casual stuff. Another thing that stood out to me was the fact that they were trying to use a film projector in class, which was kind of weird because I've never seen anybody at school use a film projector. One more thing that stood out to me was that on the first page they mentioned " typewriters".

Some people would pick their favorite sentence really deep in the story but i found my favorite on the first page, although i read 4 paragraphs this was the best, even though the explanation of the man on page 3 was pretty good too. She was a pretty girl with short light brown hair and an almost perpetual smile that only disappeared when she was upset or chewing Bic pens. I liked this sentence because it explained the girl so much that i could actually get an image in my mind of her.

My question, what do you think the "experiment" they are gonna do will be about?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

betty ann

I think the saddest part in the story is when she started getting sick alot and missing whole weeks of school. I feel really bad for her and i can relate because I've been sick like that too.

There is a part in the story where the girl was at Betty Ann's house and her friend called her and said "have you..... eaten any maple sugar candy or watermelon, kiddo?", then she hung up the phone. I think that was the right thing to do because if she laughed about it, Betty Ann would get mad at her, and her feelings would be hurt so i think that was the right thing to do.

The theme of this story is to tell people who are made fun of because of their race, religion or anything else, they should stand up for their self against the people who are making fun of them or just ignore them because the real fools here are them.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

seventh grade

One part of the story seventh grade that i think i can relate to is the first day of school when you see all your friends and you feel happy.

seventh grade

My favorite sentence from the short story was "Frenchie oh wewe gee in September". The first time i heard it, it make me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. It is funny because he was trying to impress this girl he likes by pretending that he knew french, and when the teacher called on him and he didn't know what to say so he made some French/English sentence up. It was hilarious.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

test 3

Ms.i asked us what we thought about the ending of the story, about the uniformed men. I thought that the uniformed man was just a dream. I think it was caused because of the hypnosis, the uniformed men were just thoughts inside his head but in that moment when he was unconscious, he actually imagined them.

test 2

Ms.i gave us another piece of homework asking us if hypnosis is appropriate if they use it on young drivers for there driving test. I think it should be appropriate because its like a driving game so its safe because if they use real cars they might crash on the streets so i think it should be appropriate.

TEST Favorite sentence

today Ms.i read us a story named test by Theodore L. Thomas and she told us to pick a favorite so i did. My favorite sentence is " Alongside the man was a girl, her head against the back of the seat, soft curls framing a lovely face, her ees closed in easy sleep. It was not the fear in the man that reached into robert proctor. It was the trusting helplessness in the face of the sleeping girl. So that was may favorite sentence and i liked it because i can imagine what that looked like and in my mind i see it in slomotion its kind of sad.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

planet earth

Two days ago me and my team watched a movie about the earth, it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!. I learned alot from it like grass supports most of the lands in the world and its indestructible because if the grass burns it just grows back and that grass feeds more wild life then any other plant in the world. and elephant grass is the tallest grass in the world. I learned alot about different land scape's like if eagles don't have trees to put there nest they would have to nest on the ground where all the predators can see it easier and east Africa alone has more than 2 billion wilder beast. I learned alot about the arctic too like even though the ice freezes, after it melts the grass grows back so anything that lives in the arctic can eat. Did you know that the Himalayas acts as a barrier to keep all the clouds from coming in. There are a kind of monkey that actually sing to each other. That movie was the best nature movie I've ever seen.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


its me again i just wanted to tell you guys i just found an awsome song

michael f

Hi am michael f. i am a htm student (high tech middle). I like to play football and baseball.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

michael f

welcome to my blog, here is where adventure happens.