Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chapter 13: Back To Reality

After the boys were rescued from the island of hell, they all went back to living their normal lives. Ralph went back to his house to the wild ponies that come to his fence and peak over.

“Here you go little ponies, have some sugar” said Ralph.

As Ralph feed the wild ponies, he heard the faint call of his mother.

“Yes, mother”, said Ralph

“Two young boys are here to see you”, said his mother

Before they came in, Ralph already knew who it was, Sam & Eric He raced to the door and invited them in for some tea.

“I have not seen you both since we got off the island, I missed you both so much”, said Ralph

“We just thought that we should stop by to see our old friend”

“How are everyone else”, said Sam & Eric

“Oh, the littluns? Yes, yes they are doing fine”

After hours of play with Sam & Eric, they decided to go find Robert. They all went down to Roberts house to look for him.

“Knock, knock”, said Ralph

“Hello, is Robert home?”, Asked Ralph

“Robert left a few minutes ago”, said Roberts mother

“Do you know where he went?”, Asked Sam

“He went down to the store to buy some milk for me”, said Roberts mother

“Thank you”, said Ralph

Ralph, Sam and Eric all went down to the store, hoping they would find him there. As they walked, they saw a surprising face across the street. It was Jack, he was walking with his old friends who were previously, the hunters.

“Hey Ralph!”, said Jack

“What do you want?”, asked Ralph

“You should have stayed back on the island”, said Jack

Ralph walked away, ignoring anything Jack said to him. Ralph was tired of being physically and mentally bullied by Jack. When they had reached the store, they saw Robert trying to buy some milk for his mother.

“Robert!” said Ralph

“Ralph!” said Robert

As they greeted each other and talked about how their lives are now, Jack walked into the store.

“You escaped me last time, but you wont again” said Jack


“You should not have treated me that way, you should have just let me be chief”said Jack

As the boys argued, Sam & Eric tried to stop them. After they all calmed down, Ralph went home and Jack continued taunting and yelling at Ralph.

“You will be dead like Piggy if you come back here again”said Jack

Tears started coming down Ralph's face as he thought about the death of Piggy. Still ignoring Jack, Ralph walked away.