Monday, February 9, 2009

Immigration Reflection

I think that the word immigration means a person who is moving to another country for a new start. I am connected to immigration because of my mom; she is an immigrant from Taiwan. I think me, and everyone in the United States is connected to immigration. There are immigrants all around us, even if they speak perfect English. Immigrants are just seeking new hope; all they want to do is find themselves.
The United States takes a huge part in immigration because there are so many immigrants living here today. I think the United States has so many immigrants because it is living up to its name as the land of opportunity. Maybe some immigrants come here because they see commercials, movies, TV shows from America and feel like that’s a great place to live. There are others, who come here because they feel that there is hope here. They feel that there are things to learn and things to teach.
The United States has always been a huge part of immigration because of our constitution. Our constitution basically says that America is a land with no religion, no race and no background. The constitution says that our land is your land. The United States is open to every religion, race and background there is. I think another reason there are so many immigrants is because of how free America is. We are allowed to do so many more things than other countries. I think even if your not born here or raised here, you are considered an American. I think that every American that understands what this land is about, is proud to be an American.
I think San Diego is affected by immigration because we are neighbors of Mexico. Most people from other countries want to experience America. They want to know why everyone loves it. They want to see it with their own eyes.